Sunday, February 12, 2012

Inside The Liar’s Den: Catching A Liar

In this day and age of survival, everybody would go to extra miles to get ahead. May it be in romantic or professional relationship, everybody wants success, to have that people go to extra lengths to reach the top. Some people would deliberately pull other people down if it will benefit them. Lying is one of the materials they commonly use to get what they want. You can’t change old liars, the best way you can do is to protect yourself against them. There are common indication and body language of a liar. You have to hone your observation skills if you want to catch a liar.
Never give them a chance to victimize you, catch them before they betray you with their lies. Here are some ways to catch a liar. Liars are always defensive, though they may not sound defensive; their body language always gives them away. They cross their legs, the arms are towards their bodies, and have fewer movements. The whole body itself is stiff and takes up limited space. They always avoid eye contact. One thing to take note is when they move their hand toward the mouth, face and throat or scratching behind the ear or nose, seldom touching his chest with an open palm.

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